
CAS HSG Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Managers


Target group

The CAS program targets senior managers and executives that want to play a key role in the digital transformation of their organizations. The program is ideal for executives with little or no expertise in data analysis, statistics or programing.

The program is well suited for:

  • Decision makers who want to become more data and analytics savy

  • Digital officers, technology officers and individuals launching big data, data science and artificial intelligence projects / teams

  • Managers in marketing, supply chain, information technology, human resources, talent management, product development, operations and other strategy-related functions

  • Individuals from business intelligence-related functions that want to go the next step

You will join

  • a network of experts and a diverse group of inspiring peers

  • motivated fellow participants from different functions and sectors

  • classmates with unique business experience and manifold backgrounds providing a plentiful source of inspiration and cross-industry knowledge

  • a teaching team with extraordinary academic expertise and remarkable work experience in the business world

Teaching language

The programme will be taught in English. Applicants should have adequate written and oral language skills (minimum: Cambridge First Certificate or equivalent).

Applicant profiles


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Applicants for the CAS HSG Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Managers must meet the following requirements:

  • Recognised undergraduate degree (e.g. bachelor degree)

  • At least five years of practical experience, preferably also in a leadership position

In individual cases applicants with other qualifications may be admitted (“sur dossier”) by the Academic Director.

Required documents

Please submit the following documents for your application:

  • CV (with education and professional experience as well as a brief description of your current situation)

  • Personal motivation for attending the program

  • Diplomas or transcripts and work-related letters of reference

Online Application

You can submit your application online.

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