CAS HSG Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Managers
Individual Data & AI Innovation Project
What is the Individual Data & AI Innovation Project
During the Individual Data & AI Innovation Project you have the opportunity to work on your own data and (generative) artificial intelligence projects. Starting with a real-word business problem (of your organization), you have the task to develop an innovative data-driven business solution over the course of the program.
After the module, participants …
Main Lecturer
Details about the Individual Data & AI Innovation Project
Your «Individual Data & AI Innovation Project» is a pivotal building block of the educational concept of the CAS Big Data & Artificial Intelligence for Managers. The idea is that you embark on a data-driven innovation journey applying all concepts, methods and approaches that you are going to learn. Throughout this journey, you will develop an innovation idea into a prototypic data-driven business solution. For instance, you might:
Don’t be scared – we will teach you everything you need and you will be guided by one of our Big Data & AI experts.
Details about the Individual Data Innovation Project
Your «Individual Data & AI Innovation Project» is a pivotal building block of the educational concept of the CAS Big Data & Artificial Intelligence for Managers. The idea is that you embark on a data-driven innovation journey applying all concepts, methods and approaches that you are going to learn. Throughout this journey, you will develop an innovation idea into a prototypic data-driven business solution. For instance, you might:
Don’t be scared – we will teach you everything you need and you will be guided by one of our Big Data & AI experts.
Watch out for Potential Ideas and Projects
Watch for potential project ideas! Appropriate ideas might include developing a new data-driven business solution for your customers or improving the operations or decision-making processes of your organization. However, we are eager to learn about your everyday challenges and how we could solve them together by using data-centric approaches.
Process of the Individual Data & AI Innovation Project
Shortly after the first module, you will get a 1:1 session in order to discuss your project ideas and to set the project scope for the CAS. After this session, we will assign you an appropriate coach and you are required to register your project by the start of the second module. The deadline for submitting the project report is usually two months after the final module and will be communicated in the first module. The project report is expected to be around 10-15 slides and makes up 50% of the final grading. The other 50% refer to activities that you perform directly within the four on campus modules.
Value of the Project
The value of this project is two-fold: