Dr. Umberto Michelucci
Co-founder TOELT LLC; Senior Lecturer, Head of CAS in Machine Learning and CAS in Data Engineering and Applied Data Science, and Co-Themenfeldverantwortlicher Applied Data Intelligence @HSLU
Scientific Machine Learning
Uncertainty in Machine Learning
Theory of Machine Learning
- Master of Science in Theoretical Physics, University of Florence at LENS (European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy), Italy on Theoretical simulations of entrapment of atoms with lasers.
- Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (30 ECTS), Open University, UK
- Doctorate (PhD) in Machine Learning and Physics, University of Portsmouth, School of Computing, Optical Oxygen and Temperature Sensing with Multi-Task Learning
Professional Experience:
- Senior Lecturer, 2021-present, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Computer Science Department, Switzerland
- Associate Researcher, INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics), Italy, Milan, 2023-present
- Head of Certificates of Advanced Studies in Machine Learning, 2021-present
- Head of Certificates of Advanced Studies in Data Engeering and Applied Data Science, 2021-present
- Applied Data Intelligence Continuing Education Area co-Head, 2022-present
- Founder and CEO of TOELT AI Lab, 2018-present
- Founder and Head of AI Center of Excellence, Helsana Insurance, Switzerland, 2018-2021
- Author of 5 Books on Statistics and Machine Learning
- Professional Affiliations: IEEE, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Member, AAAI (The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)
- U. Michelucci, M. Sperti, D. Piga, F. Venturini, and M. A. Deriu, “A model-agnostic algorithm for bayes error determination in binary classification,” Algorithms, vol. 14, iss. 11, p. 301, 2021. – COVER STORY OF THE JOURNAL ALGORITHMS
- Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning
- AI Global Ambassador (2022) (https://swisscognitive.ch/person/dr-umberto-michelucci/)
- TOP AI Influencer in Switzerland (https://analytics.dkv.global/AI-in-Switzerland-2021-Q4/Report.pdf)
- Book aknowledged as one of the top 8 books on CNN by Analytics India Magazine (https://analyticsindiamag.com/top-8-books-to-learn-convolutional-neural-networks/)