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  1. Understanding digitalization and digital transformation of organizations
  2. The data science process and required resources
  3. Agile methods for developing data-driven business solutions
  4. Competing on analytics and strategies for data-driven value creation
  5. Investigating proven use cases of big data and artificial intelligence for various industries


Big data and artificial intelligence are a key driver for the digital transformation of organizations and today’s societies. Thus, the first module introduces the perspective on digitalization and business transformation which is taken throughout the program – how to create value with big data and artificial intelligence. We investigate value creation approaches of “analytical leaders” and will elaborate on how organizations can create and maintain competitive advantages with big data and artificial intelligence. In so doing, we will not only present proven and successful big data and artificial intelligence applications from the industries and business functions of the participants, but also teach how to create data-driven innovations that create true customer value using agile innovation approaches.

After the module, participants…

  • have understand how big data and artificial intelligence shape the digital transformation of organizations

  • can analyze and evaluate the implications of this transformation for their industry / organization

  • can develop strategies for data-driven value creation and are familiar with proven use cases for their domain

  • can apply an agile toolset for developing and evaluating data-driven innovations with an competitive edge

  • know which organizational and technical resources are required for competing on analytics.
